Category: Blog

Maybe It’s Time For Recess

I think the universe is speaking to me.  And it seems to be telling me that I need to take a break.  A recent article in the Washington Post by Karla L. Miller argued, “The four-day workweek gaining ground in Europe.  It’s time Americans give…

Steps to a Healthier Culture

Welcome back to A Great Conversation.  In our last conversation, I explained why having a healthy culture where you work is so important.  If you have a healthy culture (where people are excited to work with each other) you will always, over time, become smarter…

What is a healthy culture?

There’s an old saying in business that culture eats strategy for lunch.  The first time I heard that was in the ’90s.  While I’d like to say that was “so last century”, it’s starting to feel more important now than ever before.  And that might…

Strategic Planning clearly defined.

Strategic planning is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. Strategic planning became prominent in corporations during the…